Channel: Oddliness – One Beautiful Thing
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Weekly Photo Challenge – Lost In The Details


I love The Weekly Photo Challenge theme this week. Concepts and room for interpretation of meaning are things I get excited about. We are being challenged to get low with this week’s theme. At the same time I have found myself again and again looking up. The macro and the micro of getting lost in the details have great effect from totally different vantage points. Both so powerful, so beautiful.

Lost in the Details: Macro

Lost in the Details: Macro

While each branch and leaf tell a story themselves, looked at in the whole, this scene dances with detail and delight (and alliteration) ;-)

Getting low tells a whole new kind of story. The minute speaking quiet volume.

The Burren Flower - Micro

The Burren Flower – Micro

The Flowery Burren - Micro

The Flowery Burren – Micro

I like how these the focus of these two photos emphasise different elements of the same story.

In looking through my photos this week I have realised that I:

1. Like to look up. This doesn’t surprise me as I am a big picture sort of person. It’s pretty obvious all the way down to my preference for macro economics over micro if I had to pick one. (Although economics is not what I want to pick at all really!)

2. Even when I do get low in taking photographs I could still go lower. I wonder what this photo could have been like had a gotten even closer…

If I had gotten below the flowers to look up, or even gotten within them instead of looking at them, I wonder how it’s perspective would’ve changed and what we would have heard and seen differently from it.

I’m taking this as a challenge to get lower down in my photographs and see just how big things can become. I want to appreciate more of the “micro” things in life.

Did any of you find a similar challenge with The Weekly Photo Challenge? I’m so interested to hear if you did!

On a side note: if you have a chance today head over to The Improvised Life and have a look at the Irish surfing video. It’s pretty spectacular. So is The Improvised Life.

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